You will have the opportunity to observe and listen as I demonstrate my approach to photography. Screen recordings will provide a visual reference to accompany my explanations, and written text will be available for your review and note-taking. Additionally, after each module, you will receive homework assignments to allow you to practice and apply the knowledge you have gained.

Hello, I'm Latisha, but most call me Tish. As a self-taught photographer with over a decade of experience, I've traversed the realms of photographing people, weddings, products, and small businesses. Along this journey, I've discovered the incredible power of my iPhone camera—a versatile and resourceful tool that has allowed me to capture the essence of real-life moments, find inspiration, and preserve memories from vacations. It's been instrumental in documenting my small retail business endeavors and so much more.

Now, I'm here to share with you the art of photography through the lens of your iPhone. I deeply understand the significance of capturing images throughout life, and I recognize the transformative impact that compelling imagery can have on growing a business. My mission is to guide you in unlocking the potential of your iPhone camera, offering insights into storytelling through photography, and inspiring you to capture the diverse tapestry of your life. Let's go on this creative journey together.

The Experience
You will have the opportunity to observe and listen as I demonstrate my approach to photography. Screen recordings will provide a visual reference to accompany my explanations, and written text will be available for your review and note-taking. Additionally, after each module, you will receive homework assignments to allow you to practice and apply the knowledge you have gained.

What is this course all about?

This iPhone photography course offers valuable insights, enhancing your ability to capture moments with precision and creativity. It unlocks the potential of your iPhone, I will be teaching techniques and my love for photography ensuring you make the most of every shot.

Tailored for small business owners showcasing products, parents capturing moments with their kids, content creators, individuals cherishing coffee shop memories with friends, or vacationers preserving the memories of new places – this course suits a diverse range of needs.


Understanding your iPhone photo settings is like revealing a realm of endless creativity. It's a journey that transforms your photography, allowing you to utilize creative control and create images that are captivating. I want you to learn to embrace the power within your device. As you learn your settings you will see your images go from a “point and shoot” moment to a storytelling moment.

I will walk you through the settings I use consistently.


Experimenting with angles allows you to express creativity and influence the visual story-telling, making each shot unique and compelling.

I will demonstrate different angels that creating more compelling images.


Understanding and manipulating lighting allows you to control the visual elements of an image, shaping the mood, atmosphere, and overall impact of your photographs. Lighting enhances the moment or story you are seeking to portray to your viewer.

My FAVORITE part. I will share my love for light and different ways you can use light to enhance your images.

I am excited for you!